Saturday, November 21, 2009

Karson likes to find "neat" places to sit. He's learning how to get down the stairs after going up, still thinks he can just walk right off of them. We are trying to teach him to turn around to go down them so he doesn't go face first or to "scootch" down on his bottom. He has his mom's tempermant and patience level...NONE!

Somehow he discovered that the stove drawer pulled out and he could THROW the pans out onto the floor, crawl into the drawer, then THROW them back in the drawer. He is giving me a challenge daily. Yesterday he wanted to open the oven, pull the pans off the top of the stove too. He opened the dishwasher while it was running, and tried to crawl into the wash machine while I was doing laundry. He never ceases to amaze me, so inquisitive.

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