Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Andrew, Jeremy & Karson

Grandpa Ron giving KK a push on the scooter

The best family picture we could capture. Just can't get that little boy to sit still.

Uncle Aaron & KK

Aunt Jen, Cousin Andrew & KK before we headed to SD

Chillin' at the hotel in Sioux Falls with family

Cousin's: Caleb, Sam, Meg, Ella, & Owen with KK

Dad & Karson check out the big pirate ship at the indoor waterpark. KK was scared of all the noise and shooting water spouts but eventually warmed up to enjoy it.

Uncle Pete plays with Owen

Owen & Karson

Grandpa Jim & Grandma Jackie

Uncle Matt & Aunt Melissa

Uncle Josh & Aunt Brigitte

Grandpa playing with Ella & Karson

Karson thought it was pretty funny to drink out of Grandpa's big water jug.

An intense game of Apples to Apples

First time Karson met Uncle Josh

First time Karson met Uncle Matt

Karson was "trading" with Great-Great Grandma Kat. He would give her one toy to take another one back.

Great Grandma Davy & KK

Karson met a new friend cousin Josie while in SD at the Collin's family get together. They are only a couple weeks apart in age.

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