Monday, February 20, 2012

Grandpa Jim Will Be Proud!

Last weekend Pete was in the garage while Karson was riding his 4 wheeler. He heard a different noise so looked out and quickly caught this video. Apparently, he has watched his cousins enough times to figure out how to spin donuts...our poor grass.

Babysitting Zoey

Our good friend's Chris & Tanya Bakken asked us to keep their daughter Zoey (our God daughter) for a week while they are on a cruise. We are enjoying it. Karson is very helpful, he's making a good impression as a big brother. I asked him if he would like to be a big brother. He said "Well yeah mom." Only last week I asked him the same question and he said "Um, no I don't think so. Just me please."

Valentine's Day 2012

Karson was so excited to decorate his own Valentine's to take to daycare. He specifically picked out each sticker that matched the cards. So particular!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our local Ace Hardware has a cool fish pond we have to check out each time we stop in.

Karson put on a Big Show for us with a guest audience.

I love popcorn!

Our Pirate

Fresh hair cuts for Daddy and Karson

Grandma Sandy's Barber Shop

Winter 2012

The boys taking advantage of the snow and frozen lake. It's been an odd winter, so far we have for sure less than 10 inches of snowfall and currently the ground is completely bare. Very strange for February. The temperature finally dipped down into the single digits this week. Otherwise, we've been enjoying the mild 30's and 40's.