Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekend in DeSmet

Papa Ron & Mommy Sandy as Karson would say. Sometimes he calls Ron Papa Naughty and says he needs a timeout. It's hilarious! Mostly because Karson likes to play rough with Ron and then if he gets too roughed up he says Papa is naughty.

Great Grandma Bonnie & Great Grandpa Craig were kind enough to let us invade their house over the weekend. KK really enjoyed being at their home, but he was a bit loud wanting to use plastic spoons to play the drums on any piece of furniture he could. Out of the blue the first day we were there he said "I go to Mommy Lucy's house!" Now he calls Grandma Bonnie Mommy Lucy Bonnie. That kid is too funny!

Karson and Grandma Sandy pretending to go night night.

We all stayed at the hotel in town so Karson got to have fun in the pool a few times. He loves to jump in an splash. He made Papa Ron do cannon balls into the pool for a big splash too!

We were able to spend time with cousins Tristan & Dustin. Karson had a great time with all of Tristan's toys. Very fun time!

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