Monday, July 19, 2010

Mitchell, SD

Karson and I made a very quick trip to South Dakota this past Thursday night for uncle Kevin's funeral. We left about 640pm and arrived in Mitchell at 11pm. We successfully checked into the hotel and hauled our luggage. We've not done this before without Daddy. Karson got to sleep with me in the big bed for the first time, he thought that was neat. Although, I did not because he hogs the bed! In the morning we went to G & G Siver's hotel for some breakfast, playing and visiting. We were blessed to see many family members even though it was not a pleasant circumstance. After the funeral, we went to Kevin & Kris' house to visit, then to swim at the hotel. Karson was a hoot. I think G & G were very surprised. He kept going around the edge of the pool, then jumping in whenever he felt like it. He doesn't get the concept of going under water yet, although he kept saying no mama, no mama when I would try to hold him up so I let him adventure under a few times. He laughed and hollered like it was the best thing ever. G & G kindly took us out for supper, Great Grandma Davy and Great Aunt LeAnn joined us. We hit the road about 630pm Friday night, arrived home about 11pm...just in time for bed.

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