Saturday, March 16, 2013

Keeping Up with Karson

We are over half way through Karson's first year of preschool and ready for spring here in MN! The winter has given us some opportunities to try a few new adventures. Karson tried out ice fishing, ice skating, snow tubing and riding the Mini Z snowmobile solo. He was very fond of all except the ice skating. Let's just say that did not go well and we'll try again next year. We've enjoyed some sledding in our back yard and behind the snowmobile.

Karson continues to amaze us with his curious mind, outgoing personality and kind heart. He has come a long way since last fall. He can write his first and last name - very well. He recognizes most letters, numbers, shapes and colors. He has sparked an interest in drawing, painting and being creative. I attended conferences for him this week. Here are a few things his teachers had to say about him.

  • General Attitude: Talkative! Dramatic! Curious! The man with the plan! The other day he said "Sometimes I think when I come to school I'm going to get married." He enjoys school and being Karson.
  • Gross Motor Skills: He doesn't have any problems in this area. He likes to run, climb, shoot hoops. He is well coordinated. 
  • Class Participation: Karson loves to talk. He always has something to share with the group. He has a great time reading his super hero book on Kid's Day. He is very comfortable in a large group, although I think he'd rather be in charge! 
  • Social Skills: Risa and Brady are his best friends, but he gets along with everyone. More kids would like to play with him. They often have to take turns as to who is going to sit by Karson at story time. He rarely has conflicts. He can share and wait for a toy. He is a definite leader, especially in dramatic play. He can follow directions. He is helpful and cooperative with the teachers.
  • Karson is a wonderful addition to our class. He makes us smile and the other kids look up to him. Thankfully he makes good choices and makes our job easier. 

When I was listening to the teachers tell me all of this about Karson. I kind of chuckled and said he comes by the talkative, telling stories, being a leader and in charge very naturally! I blamed it on Grandpa Jim!!

Karson is very excited to be a big brother. Sometimes he wants a sister and other times a brother. We think he will be a great helper. Summer should be really fun for us with me being off work. I've enrolled Karson in a few summer camps through the local community center. Looking into swimming lessons, play dates with a few of his friends, trips to the zoo, swimming at the lake and activities at the library. 

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