Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Keepin' Up with Karson
Our little toddler is certainly growing up quickly into a kind, pleasant mannered young boy. He seems like he's going on 4, not just going to be 3. About 3 weeks ago we conquered the task of potty training. Karson really like his big boy underwear. Only not so good part is that he wants to potty anyplace and anytime. Since we live in the country he just goes when he feels like it, but that's slightly an issue when we are amongst others. He's a really good helper with most any task. Recently he's been helping Pete work on the race car for our county fair enduro race. I heard him saying "Daddy, I want my hands dirty like yours." As I cringe, he completely covers them in grease from the brake rotor. He is handy with wrenches, knows how to use them so tells Pete just how to turn them and which one to use. It's quite cute. We've really been enjoying the lake this summer. He has no fear of jumping off the boat into the water, going completely under. Which is why he's not allowed within 10 feet of the lake without his life jacket. He's a very sensitive, caring little boy. I recently took a softball to the eye socket resulting in massive swelling and a black eye for 2 weeks. Every day he would ask with concern "Mommy, how's your black eye doing?" He calls me on my way home from the gym to ask me "How was your exercising Mom?" He has a very good imagination! We have to talk about the crocodile that's sneaking up behind or the tow truck that needs to be called because Dad's truck is stuck. So far, we are thinking age 2 has been the easiest by far!

Grandma Sandy "You pitch" and I'm gonna hit and run really fast with my running shoes." says Karson. He has improved his swing so he can now hit the ball without the tee.

This baby duck wondered up onto our sidewalk one evening while we were outside. After petting it for awhile, we put it back down by the pond hoping it's mom would find it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Catch of the Day!

Not only did we have 40+ people at our lakeshore for the fun fourth of July weekend, but Karson caught his very first fish ever all by himself. His Spongebob Squarepants fishing pole was a success! It took awhile to get him to understand the concept and show him how to cast his line, wait for the bobber to go down and then hook and reel. He caught quite a few that day as did the other kids, they thought it was grand. He's so proud of it. I could hear him running down the dock "Mommy, mommy I caught a fish!"
MN Zoo

Karson and I made a trip to the zoo. We had so much fun, seen so many neat animals it's hard to capture it all. We watched a bird show, got to see a beautiful parrot and owl up close. We took the tractor pulled trolley to the Wells Fargo Animal Farm. We also had to stop by 2 playground areas for long periods of time. The dolphin show and fish tank areas were well liked. You can stick your hands into the swim area for some of the bigger fish and let them swim under your hands. July 1st they are opening a Penguin exhibit which Karson is going to LOVE. Ever since we visited Seaworld with Grandpa Jim & Grandma Jackie, he's been hooked on penguins.

Karson thought it was fun to sit on these animal statues. In this same area there were tiny baby chicks we got to pet.

In the goat area they let us go in the fence, pet and brush the goats. Boy did that really hit it off big for KK.
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