Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Keepin' Up with Karson

As the weeks go by, Karson's sentences get bigger and better. He is now to the what and why stage. His frustrations come and go, he definitely has a temper. His daycare lady says he plays so well with the other kids, especially his friend Josiah.
He counts to ten...well almost. He usually forgets the one, starts at two, free, four, fife, sic, feven, eight, nine...and that's where it ends.
He is very good at sharing, always wants one for himself, one for daddy, one for mommy. That's ok sometimes except when he wants to feed us candy and cookies. ;)
We've had success a few times on the toilet. Hoping that is on the upswing to getting trained.
He's started to help dress himself and can get his shoes on and off.
Mickey Mouse, Elmo and Handy Manny are his favorite shows. He knows all the character on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. His attention span was very short but has seemed to improve.
He does very well with his Legos and Playdoh, being creative. He tries to color but doesn't seem to stick with it very long.
He is the best helper. He helps me put dishes away, vacuum, wash and fold clothes, sweep. Anything we are doing, he says " I help you."
At night, he just simply says "I go night night and watch Elmo." We give our fives, knuckles, hugs and kisses. I lay him down in bed, he squeezes the prayer bear mumbling along the prayer as best as he can. I say "Good night Karson." He says " Night night Mommy." I say "Love you." He says "Wuv you, I sleep good mommy." Adorable. He melts my heart every night.

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