Saturday, October 23, 2010

Karson's Korner

All of the singing while I was pregnant and while Karson was an infant must have influenced him. He absolutely loves to sing! He wants me to sing with him, then he performs for me alone. If he doesn't know the words, he just makes up his own but he sure does a good job. He's going to be the next American Idol!
He talks in sentences, most of what he says we can decifer what he's saying. We are teaching him to be polite with please and thank you.
At night, we say a prayer before bed. He knows most of the words and always gets the "Amen" in.
We have not had any success yet on the toilet, but we try often. He says he has to go and we try, but no such luck yet.
He's become quite the little sweetheart. When we leave anyplace, he has to give hugs, kisses, knuckles and fives to each person.

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