Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday Stroll

He is at the stage where he just runs full throttle all over. You don't dare let go of his hand anyplace where there are people and cars. On Sunday, we took him out in our yard, let him run through the wide open field and walked down to Grandma & Grandpa Kolb's on our path.

Daddy & KK

KK wearing Mommy out

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Going Out with My Boots On

One day as we were getting ready to go I asked Karson to get his shoes. He came back with his cowboy boots and insisted he put them on. He must have known it was going to be muddy outside when he wanted to run around all over so good idea Karson!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuck & Roll

Grandma Sandy & Grandpa Ron have been coming to our house on Friday nights to babysit Karson while we staff the cafe for our Lenten fish fry. Karson has acquired the name "Monkey" at daycare, it's obvious why as he climbs on anything he can.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We spent the weekend up north in Duluth, MN at the Edgewater Waterpark Resort with the Wersal family - it was our Christmas gift from Grandpa & Grandpa Wersal. It's a historic town on Lake Superior with many neat old buildings and quaint stores. We arrived Friday afternoon, as fast as we could get checked in we hit the pool. Saturday was filled with more waterpark fun, a visit to the fresh water aquarium, a brief view of the lake at the museum and a nice meal. Oh...and we must mention the 3am fire alarm sounds that resulted in us all having to evacuate the hotel as their was a fire in the ventilation system on the roof. We hung out in the truck for about 45 mins until we were allowed to return inside.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Duluth, MN - Lake Superior, March 2010

Waiting in the truck at 3am for the fire to be extinguished. Karson didn't seem to mind, he played with all the buttons and "drove" the truck while Dad was out scoping out the scene. In fact, he didn't want to go back to bed once we got back into our room.

KK has learned how to give "knuckles" now.

View from the aquarium onto Lake Superior.

Grandpa Ron & Grandma Sandy, Cousin Kaleb, Uncle Aaron, Mom, Dad, Karson, Cousin Noah, Uncle Derrick & Aunt Rachel, Uncle Mike & Aunt Tami, Cousin Isaac and Aunt Shannon.

Rachel & Shannon reach into the stingray tank to touch them.

Uncle Aaron gave friend Michael a quick "world" lesson while at the aquarium.

Every few minutes the big bucket up top would spill over a huge amount of water onto the kids play area. If you look close you can see Pete and KK up top.


Karson thought the water slides were great. We put a life jacket on him and he was able to go down the other ones a few times by himself with one person putting him in and the other catching him at the bottom.

Cousin Noah

Mike, Tami & Issac in the whirlpool. It was a round area with a current that went in a circle. You could just float and it would carry you around.

Kaleb, Noah & Karson with Pete. They look like they are having a blast!

Karson trying to dunk Grandpa Ron


Pete gets the assist for helping KK dunk the ball in the hoop, then he dunks cousin Kaleb too! This video specially selected for uncle Josh & cousin Owen.

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Toy

We stopped at G & G Kolb's on our way home Sunday from Duluth. Uncle Patrick & Aunt Jen had brought this mini snowmobile down to test it out. Andrew & Jeremy showed Karson how they could drive it around the yard. Pat & Jen decided after just a few hours that they would be purchasing it for the 3 boys and any other cousins yet to come.
I can about imagine how wild they will be together, Andrew is the reasonable one and cautious. Jeremy is full throttle with KK right behind him.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Apparently, Karson knows how to open the refrigerator and get the chocolate syrup in a split second too...