Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dish Duty

Pete was on daddy duty one afternoon this week. He was in the bedroom, heard silverware banging so went to the kitchen to see what Karson was getting into this time. He found him in the dishwasher playing drums with the dishes.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009 - South Dakota

Grandma Sandy & Karson

Cousin Tristan & Karson - he had so much fun chasing after Tristan and playing with him.

Grandpa Ron plays horse ride with KK

Karson figured out what was in those big tin cans that made noise when you shake them.

Silly boys

Grandma Katie gave Tristan a guitar for Christmas. Boy, he sure knows how to play and sing. We enjoyed his entertainment.

Grandma Katie had a walking chicken that started out singing a Christmas song and then played the chicken dance. We must have heard it over 25 times that weekend once KK figured out how to push the button to play it.

Uncle Kent sweetens up to KK.

Great Grandpa & Grandma Munger laugh as we try to get Karson to hold still long enough for a quick click of the camera.

Aunt Vonnya & Uncle Steve come in to warm up after clearing snow Christmas morning. Dad was up early to help too but I think he really was just finding an excuse to ride Grandma's 4 wheeler to plow snow.

Great Grandma & KK reading

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Before we left for Christmas in SD, mother nature dumped a bunch of snow on us. Since it's the first time Karson has seen snow, we bundled him up and let him play in it. Conveniently, that same week dad traded his ice house for a snowmobile. He took KK for a little spin on it, he thought that was grand!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Karson thinks it's great to sit on the high stools and have a snack. We are working hard on "sit nice" and to get him to understand he can't get off the chair himself. He does pretty good. He also wants to eat everything in a whole form, not cut up, especially bananas and cheese.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Grandpa Jim came to MN to stay a few days with us before he drove back to TX. Karson loves to read books. He had Grandpa reading every book we had. He helped with ALL of his tools in the basement while putting up some ceiling tile. Grandpa's big tool box was a hit! Uncle Aaron came to visit one afternoon and went to supper with all of us.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Great Grandma Rosanna's 90th Birthday Party

Great Aunt Paulene, Grandma Pat, Great Aunt Sharon & Great Grandma Rosanna

Great Grandma and almost all the great grandchildren

Uncle Patrick, Aunt Jen, Cousins Andrew & Jeremy with Great Grandma

Cousin Anthony, Liz & Tyson with Great Grandma

Cousins Dave, Flory, Eamon, Siohban, & Dashiell with Great Grandma

Grandpa Paul giving KK a slug of water

KK loves Brianna and Roscoe the two puppies


Great Grandma & her sister Florence

I played photographer and got out of the dishes this time.

Great Grandma with sisters Evelyn & Florence

Great Unlce Wally (Aunt Paulene's husband) & Great Aunt Sharon