Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

When we awoke in the morning, Santa had came and gone leaving many presents The milk and cookies left the night before were gone as well. This year was the first year ever that we've stayed home and not traveled at Christmas time. It was very nice to be able to be home Christmas morning and open gifts just us three. Although we missed our family out of state. Karson really figured out what Christmas was like and learned about Santa. Every night he would say "Santa come to my house and bring me presents." Then afterwards he told everyone "Santa drink my milk and eat my cookies all gone."

New DVD's - Handy Manny and Elmo!

Digging to the bottom of his stocking

Opening gifts at the Kolb's

Mom & KK go for a ride

Jeremy teaching Karson how to jump in the snow

Dad and KK go for a snowmobile ride

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Karson received a Handy Manny with his tools from G & G Munger. He talks and says short phrases about using tools. Karson knows them all now.
He mastered running the train around the track at Wersal's house.
Christmas Eve we attended church with Wersal's, Aaron and the Wilson family he lives with. Afterwards, we enjoyed appetizers and a nice service Aaron put together of traditional Christmas carols, bible passages and stories.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Grandma & Grandpa Wersal gave Karson a Santa hat a few weeks before Christmas. He would put it on all by himself at night and wear it while playing. He's also become very fond of Mickey Mouse. He goes to bed with him, mommy has to cover him up and tuck him in too.

Karson posing by his very own Christmas tree in his room.

Can you get any cuter?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Baking Christmas Cookies

Karson really enjoyed making cookies. We'll have to do this more often.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thanksgiving in Texas, 2010

Papa & Karson. As you can see, KK has quite the extra character added to his face. Every day while we were on vacation he seemed to add another scratch, cut, bonk or bruise.

He was so tired he fell asleep on the boat ride tour of the Riverwalk area.

We spent a day at Seaworld San Antonio. Karson is a lucky boy, he's been there 3 times already and he's only 2. Thank you G & G Siver for taking us!

Karson has since fallen in love with his stuffed penquin Grandma Jackie bought him. He takes it everywhere with him...daycare, in the car, to bed.

Is that not the perfect pose?! How handsome! Karson did great riding the bull at Market Square

Just needs a rope and he's set.

Delicious Mexican cuisine at Mi Tierra Restaurant

Mariachi band played for us one night at supper in San Antonio.

Papa Jim took KK for a spin around the yard on his big mower. He thought that was great!

My dad took Pete fishing with a friend of his in the gulf bay area. As you can tell, they had success and Pete was loving it.

Testing out the waters

So windy he couldn't keep his eyes open very well and mommy forgot his sunglasses.

It was so cute to watch Karson by the water. He would tip toe and try to chase the water as the waves would roll in. It was really the first time that he would remember the beach, gulf or ocean.

KK & Mommy put our toes in the sand

The first day we were there Karson and I went for a trip into Port Lavaca to the beach area. It was about 80 degrees so very warm but water was cool and it was windy.

Karson really loved ALL SIX dogs! Although...Eva HATED him so we just left her alone. Every time he was by her he would say " That one bite me." She has no teeth. Harriet kind of liked him. He called her the "little guy" since she is so dainty and delicate. Lucy became his best friend. Rhett and Scarlet weren't sure what to think of him but seemed to like him by all the licks he got. Oliver hid most of the time, scared of all the noise.

Swinging in the hammock in Papa's backyard.